
MOVE365 St.Kilda

membership Offers

Unlock Exclusive Offers with Move 365

Looking for unbeatable offers? Move 365 has you covered! Choose the perfect offer to match your goals and get more value while staying active. Take advantage of our limited-time offers and elevate your fitness journey today!

Our Exclusive Offers


6-Month MEMBERSHIP + 1 Month Free

Commit to 6 month membership and get 1 additional month absolutely free! This plan is perfect for those looking to build consistency and achieve lasting results.

Enjoy 7 months for the price of 6.

  • 24/7 Access to our facilities.
  • No sign up fees, admin fees or door access fees, EVER!
  • Lock in the new year with your health and well-being.


12-Month MEMBETSHIP + 3 Month Free

Take your fitness to the next level with our 12-month plan and enjoy 3 months free! Get a full 15 months of premium access while saving BIG.

Enjoy 15 months for the price of 12.

  • 24/7 Access to our facilities.
  • No sign up fees, admin fees or door access fees, EVER!
  • Lock in a long-term commitment to your health and well-being.

Why Choose Move 365?

At Move 365, we’re committed to helping you reach your fitness goals with state-of-the-art facilities, expert trainers, and a welcoming community. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, we have everything you need to thrive.

Don’t Miss Out!

Don’t miss out! With a member capacity of 200 and this offer available for a short time, spots are VERY LIMITED.
Choose your plan today and start your journey with Move 365!
Join Now and experience the difference!

Membership Enquires